The Republican National Committee has declared that it is changing the Republican emblem from an elephant to a condom because it more clearly reflects the Party's political stance:
A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives one a sense of security while one is screwing the rest of the world.
(sources: text author unknown, early appearance on Boston Indymedia, 20 April 2001; GW Bush photographer unknown, used in accordance with Article 10.1 of the Berne Convention; condom provided by the "Over My Dead Body" project)
George Bush allows himself the right to depose Saddam Hussein: the entire world has the right to get rid of George Bush. We do not have cruise missiles, smart bombs, depleted uranium. We have our humanity, solidarity, and sense of humour - arms, which in the long run, are far more powerful. So while they fire away at will, we can use internet to forward our convictions, far and wide!
The STATE OF THINGS is an evolving portrait
of the world today, of our dispair and our hope, of our obstacles
and our triumphs. It is regularly updated, and is displayed in the
form of a newswire in the lower part of the Over
My Dead Body project's screen.
This newsletter is an excerpt of current, urgent news from the STATE
OF THINGS. Please forward this newsletter to anyone whom you
think may be interested by its contents...
The Over My Dead Body project is a world
wide, online, virtual demonstration, politicising the major themes
of globalisation and the economy, the environment, antiracism, gender
issues, etc. The federating platform is the promotion of "the
politics of generosity" to unblock the stranglehold of financial
and imperialist self-interest upon the world's destiny. It is evident
that the war against Iraq enters within a definition of corporate
imperialism: thus protest against the war and its aftermath is part
of the project's agenda...
People are invited to participate, and are represented symbolically
in the demonstration by their name, place of residence, and if they
so wish, photo, and virtual placard. Thus people from the four corners
of the globe may march together, and in this way the demo is a powerful
and active metaphor for fraternity. Take a moment to watch people
pass by, seeing where they come from and what they say.
If you have not joined the demo yet, you are cordially invited to
join us! Please forward this message to your family, your friends,
your colleagues, your mailing list... If you can, make a link to the
Over My Dead Body project! The presence
of each person is important: a trickle becomes a torrent that becomes
a tidal wave, rolling for change.
You have received this newsletter because you joined the "Over
My Dead Body" world wide online demo. If you wish to unsubscribe
yourself from the newsletter mailing list, go to the settings
section on the site's home page, and update your profile. Contact
for further information.
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